Website Design




  • Web design
  • CSCS Card application & online payments process
  • UI / UX
  • Website Build


  • 50+ Pages
  • CMS


  • SEO
  • Analytics

Project Info



The Joint Industry Board for Plumbing Mechanical Engineering Services in England & Wales (JIB-PMES) came across Reactive off the back of a recommendation which we always love! They had an existing website, which was outdated from a look and content point of view, and was also difficult for the client to update with latest news and regular content updates. Perhaps the biggest challenge for JIB-PMES was the high-number of CSCS cards promoted on their old site all had a paper-based application process and manual payment method which was slow, in-efficient and required a lot of manual hours in processing. As well as industry pressures to take the CSCS application & payment process online in a digital format, the client themselves also wanted to drive efficiencies and increase applications through the online application method.



This web project was ideally suited to the skillset at Reactive with all services the client needed being under one-roof! As ever the tried & tested Reactive briefing stage is critical in a web-project such as this to fully unerstand needs, aims, specifications and the target audience. Site-mapping was another  key part of this task due to their volume of content and pages required on the site. Once the content had been pinned down it was a case of creating wire-frames and then fleshing these out with a contemporary look & feel where the layout structures made it very user friendly to read the site-content and navigate around the site, which drove member engagement.

In terms of the CSCS card application & payment process (which where personalised to each CSCS card requirements) it was important that this was also very user friendly to encourage applications, whilst in the back-end it was vital to have GDPR compliance, which integrated seamlessly with the clients internal systems and payment & account processes. As Reactive are very experienced in these systems we where able to easily meet all the clients requirements. All in all JIB-PMES where very satisfied with the final solution.


We decided to split the website into 2 separate sections for maximum useability, with a site landing page linking off into  an area for the CSCS Registrations Cards and another area of the site dedicated to Benefits and Latest News. Both sub-sites could be accessed from one-another.

It was vital for both sub-sites to have a really clear navigation structure so that members could easily & quickly find what they need. On the landing page for each sub-site – right in the header  section are also featured 3/4 ‘quick-link’ boxes to help members find the most popular and needed site pages.

It was also key to have areas of the sites dedicated to latest news & important updates, especially so during the recent pandemic, and the client could easily and quickly update these pages themselves due to our cutting edge and really ‘simple-to-use’ Content Management System.


This area of the site is dedicated to the CSCS Card Application & Payment process, with dedicated pages to the Core PMES Trade Card types, the PMES Related Occupation Cards and also Card Renewals. It was vital to enable members to be able to easily & quickly find what cards they needed and then go through the online application & payment process in an easy and straight-forward way.


The CSCS card application section of the website needed to give users an intuitive way to navigate through the application process as well as create an effective way to allow the client to manage multiple different application types and relay the relevant data after a successful purchase.

Each card is different, with different requirements that may change depending on the users’ choices throughout the application so we needed to create a seamless way to filter this and communicate this to the end user, keeping their application on-track while making this as simple as possible to encourage user engagement with the new process. 

The applications are also integrated with SagePay to take online payments that are then passed through to the clients’ accounting software and administration team with all of the application data and associated documentation (documents, images, certificates etc) included to make the final processing of these orders efficient. Finally, triggered emails are sent to both the customer & JIB to confirm CSCS card purchase.




Happy client


“We engaged Reactive Design to undertake a full re-imagining of our website to include the introduction of online application and purchasing functionality. We were impressed with the professional approach adopted and the way Andy and the team at Reactive handled the development. We are extremely happy with the completed website and the post launch support has also been first rate.”



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